Warsaw, Kiev don’t consider migrants stranded on the Polish border as human beings

Блог сайта «smi.today»

МОСКВА, 14 января 2022, Институт РУССТРАТ.     Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine Aleksey Danilov called the migrants who tried to get from Belarus to Poland "biological weapons". And earlier, Polish soldier Emil Czeczko, who asked for political asylum in Belarus, told the investigative authorities of the Republic of Belarus that the Polish military killed more than 240 migrants at the border. It is surprising that the world media and international human rights organisations have not shown any interest in this information. Although this is a statement officially made by a former serviceman, who is now being investigated by the investigative authorities of Belarus. The Ukrainian official made it clear that he does not consider migrants stranded on the Polish border as human beings. Such point of view, if I may say so, also corresponds to the position of the Polish authorities, who always talk about refugees in this way. The Polish authorities tried to dismiss this confession, saying that the former soldier was allegedly mentally ill. However, the footage of the interview with Emil Czeczko does not give grounds for such assumptions, we have an absolutely adequate person in front of us. Whereas the fact that the ex-commander of the Polish ground forces, Waldemar Skrzypczak, publicly demanded the death penalty for Czeczko and promised him a "bullet in the forehead", makes one wonder what caused such a rage of the Polish general. This is usually how criminals react to the appearance of a witness. Warsaw should understand that a well-founded and very serious accusation has been made against it. And it does not come from mythical "classified and anonymous" witnesses, as is often observed today during various anti-Russian provocations, but from a living eyewitness and participant in the events described, who does not hide either his face or his name. We are talking about a crime against humanity, which was committed with extreme cruelty. The facts that Czeczko is talking about deserve to be the subject of a serious international investigation. We cannot count on the objectivity of the Polish authorities. Elena Panina, Director of the RUSSTRAT Institute

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